
We help women and girls connect their mental health to a greater state of hope, healing and happiness in their lives.
Meet our Founder
Founder and Executive Director

A Veteran survivor of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, Rhonda Bush is no stranger to the impact mental health can have on a person’s ability to navigate daily life.
After two deployments, Rhonda found herself back home during the pandemic, stuck in a literal and figurative dark closet. Several months into suffering in insolation, she heard a clear voice in that closet make this pronouncement: “Girl, Get Up.” So she did just that in 2021, bringing her personal experiences with her to form a society dedicated to helping other women and girls see their way through mental health challenges.
In less than two years, Rhonda was named a Jefferson Award winner for her vision in addressing the unmet mental health needs among BIPOC women. She understands the importance of both therapeutic services and community-building and considers both as central to a holistic approach to mental wellness. She prioritizes the inclusion of community voices that are not always represented in philanthropic conversations, funding circles, nor nonprofit organizations.
Though she had been afforded the opportunity to receive therapy for little to no cost, she knew this was not the case for women in many communities, especially communities of color. She set out to change this with Girl, Get Up.
A writer at her core, Rhonda enjoys writing inspirational blogs and handwritten notes of encouragement to women in need of inspiration. It is her goal to own her own story through movement building, creating a pipeline of support for others who are addressing mental health needs among themselves and within their own community.
Rhonda earned her Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology from Morris College in 2012 and a dual Master's in Human Resources Management and Management and Leadership from Webster University in 2016.